Personal Development

Personal development insights, ideas and information to ponder, reflect upon and consider as you enter a new day. Thoughts to add to your interest and pursuit of a better lifestyle and reaching your goals in the short-term, and the long-term. What do you consider personal development?

Hopefully it includes that it is a really positive force for steering you to a better place in life through understanding, education, and some hard work. If it is a dream you have, an idea you want to see arise, a destination you want to reach, articles and content categorized as “personal development” on will strive to provide you with the insight and partner with you on their achievement.

Take what works, leave behind that which doesn’t. It’s there for your consideration. Maybe it’s how to resolve the question of, pursuing education when you are up in years —- is it meaningful? Is it worth it? Maybe it’s starting a business when you have a family to raise? Is it worth the attempt? Maybe it’s a language to learn? And, you are asking yourself which language, and why should I? Whatever areas of growth you want to achieve, the “personal development” category of is where you can reference articles that hope to help you get there. In closing, and to help be clear, personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

Personal Development

Email Consumption

I am constantly checking my email.  I have more than four email accounts. Do not ask me why…😊. There are three accounts that I go to daily, and it leads to toggling that borders on consuming. Actually, it is consuming. Note:  It would be two accounts if the service provider would merge my old one […]

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Personal Development

How Is “Love” In Your Life? 

Do you think of love as an area of your life you have to attend to?  Do you regularly check in and see if it is registering with the people around you…how you treat them…how you model that behavior?  Is it an area where people feel the difference when you enter a room?   As the […]

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Personal Development

In a New Year, It Doesn’t Take Much Effort To Improve

I will be quick and to the point on ways to have a positive year.  And bear in mind not everyone is going to agree with these concepts; nor apply them.    1. Gratefulness.  Have a grateful spirit inside.  A positive attitude and outlook each and every day goes a long way in helping your outlook on life.  Don’t […]

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Personal Development

Learn A Language!  I Will Say No More. 

I have just embarked on a journey of learning a language.  In fact, I have decided to study several languages using an online application.  I have tried this before…without good results.  I quit too soon. This time, I seem to be hanging in there a bit longer, and I am reaping some benefits I didn’t […]

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Personal Development

Each Morning Is A New Start

Our lives have many twists and turns.  Not every day is pleasant, and sometimes there is conflict.  For a brief time, I was raised in the 19th Ward of Rochester, New York.  It was the late 60’s.  Integration was at the surface of discussion all through the U.S.A., but where I grew up, WE WERE INTEGRATED.  No partiality […]

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Personal Development

Rebound from Discouragement. Get Your Life Back

There are many “voices” that keep us down and out in this world.  Negative feedback, failures (which, really, are merely setbacks and learning experiences), bad relationships, bad choices, bad attitude.  However, there is one area that covers them all—and if we can just overcome it—-then we are on a path to success, and, realizing our […]

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Personal Development

Do You Carry An “Albatross?”

In the seven part poem, “The Rhime of The Ancient Mariner,” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the main character, the Mariner, is forced by his companions to wear a dead albatross around his neck, after having shot it with a crossbow.    His companions thought it bad luck that he shot it, when it had brought them all good luck.  The theme of “having an […]

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Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels
Personal Development

Individuality In a Group Dynamics Society

Do you have any problems in maintaining your individuality in a world of groups?    You know the groups…the entertainment celebrities…the sports figures…the billionaires…the politicians…even the news anchors.  These are the people that life focuses on every day. What are they doing?…what are they posting?…what are they saying?  If you don’t have a Wikipedia profile, you’re no […]

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Personal Development

Living in the present

There are so many distractions in these present times. Even if there wasn’t a pandemic, the amount of noise in a person’s life on any given day is extreme.   Our thoughts and eyes dart to and fro’, trying to ascertain the moment in time we’re in, and what we should be focused on.  Therein lies the challenge […]

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Personal Development

Handling Uncertainty

Life is not granted to us with advanced notice of what’s to come.    We live life knowing that each day is a new one and can be lived enjoyably, with purpose and progress.    Others have their own ideals of what makes a life and their expectations for a new day, new week, new month and new year.  What is common […]

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