Improvement Doesn’t Take Much In A New Year

I will be quick and to the point on ways to have a positive year.  And bear in mind not everyone is going to agree with these concepts; nor apply them. 

  1. Gratefulness.  Have a grateful spirit inside.  A positive attitude and outlook each and every day goes a long way in helping your outlook on life.  Don’t expect others to roll with the same outlook.  People gravitate towards negativity.  Be different and uplift yourself.  And remember, you aren’t obligated to pull others along with you in that.  Let them see what you are about in your positivity.
  1. Quiet spirit.  Think before you speak.  If you are always blurting out what enters your head then no one will benefit, including yourself.  Filter your thoughts through your heart, through your intuition and eventually back through your mind.  When you speak you will know you did your due diligence in discerning the thought and deciding if you really want to speak it.  
  1. Pinch a penny.  Pinch your pennies…hold on to your money until you are really ready to spend.  Driving the economy is a two-way street.  If you have been given the means to save aggressively then you can likely release some of it into the economy.  If you haven’t had the means to save, hold on to it.
  1. Keep your eyes to yourself.  This may sound odd, but there is a lot of looking and staring that goes on in the world.  Personal space is so hard to come by.  Looking at another person without cause is entering their personal space.  It makes them feel uncomfortable and it is hard to justify why one would stare at another person.  If something is amiss, then look all you want.  Otherwise, stay in your lane. 

Eric Anderson

Hello! I am Eric Anderson, I like to provide self developing motivations. Articles are to help you, and partner with you to make each day a better one. Hoping it all works for your good, and gives you pause to consider and reflect.

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