Life’s Journey – Self Reflection Is a Good Place to Start For a Brighter Future

How much of your time over the years has been in a place of dwelling, stewing and contemplating what you should have done, why that happened the way it did and punishing yourself for not choosing better?

Could you really have done something better, or did you make the best decision you could at that moment in time with the information you had, and the expediency with which you had to make that decision?

I think you will find…you did your best under the circumstances.

Now, that time has passed, why not cut yourself some slack and try to move on.

Knowing that, under the circumstances, you chose the best way you knew how. And, knowing you didn’t ask for the difficulty that came your way is a healthy start to moving on, and, moving forward.

So much in life we didn’t ask for. But, life is not a preplanned event. It is a journey.

The why’s and why not’s, how come’s and for what reason, are all phrases that could keep one bound for years. And it does keep many people bound for years.

Now is the time to free yourself. These thoughts and ponderings are not physical….they are mental.

But, they are physically keeping you down, and in place, without enjoying life.

Reflecting is good. It can provide an awareness of realistically what transpired in your life and bring resolution.

Do indeed embrace resolution. It provides freedom, and your ability to grow again.

And it is through growth that happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction is found.

Eric Anderson

Hello! I am Eric Anderson, I like to provide self developing motivations. Articles are to help you, and partner with you to make each day a better one. Hoping it all works for your good, and gives you pause to consider and reflect.

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Life’s Journey – Self Reflection Is a Good Place to Start For a Brighter Future

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